Wendy Quiroz
Senior Paralegal, Los Angeles
Wendy was born and raised in Los Angeles, California to a single mother who migrated to the United States from Mexico as a teenager. She witnessed first hand her mother’s struggles in obtaining lawful status in the United States. Determined to find a solution, Wendy dedicated her education and professional aspirations to helping the migrant community. Wendy has a Bachelor’s Degree in Political Science from California State University of San Bernardino, California and a Paralegal Certification.
After graduation, Wendy began her career as Immigration Law Paralegal, where she has been for the last 10 years. She has vast knowledge in all aspects of immigration law and migrant social services. Her greatest professional accomplishment to date was fulfilling the promise she made to her mother – in 2021, Wendy successfully helped her mother acquire lawful permanent resident status through the U-visa process.
In her free time, Wendy enjoys exploring the outdoors with her husband and playful dog, Mia.